Eden Bernal
Mexican visual artist and documentary filmmaker. In 2015 and 2014 he is a fellow of the Co-investment Program from the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA) with the short film Destierrosand the feature film Moving a River. This project, participates in international film festivals, as the 18th Guanajuato International Film Festival and the 9th Festival of Memory; where it receives an honorable mention. In 2013, Eden is part of the DocsDF Challenge with the short film The Naveland in 2012 he founded the Street Film Collective. In 2011 and 2010, he participated in the Santiago Álvarez and DocsDF Film Festivals with the short film Portrait in Absence; project awarded in 2009 by the 2nd. Bicultural Encounter for Emerging Filmmakers. He is the author of Exiles, a trans media documentary project that has had outputs as a photobook and a feature film. In it’s different shapes, this project has been exhibited in 2018 at Paris Photo, the Aperture Foundation Gallery, the XIX World Congress of Sociology of the International Association of Sociology. In addition, Exiles was finalist of the 1st. Photobook Award from the Aperture Foundation, receives the Photon Festival Award from the 1st. Contemporary Photo Contest in Latin America and a Quality Cinematographic Production Fund of IMCINE. Finally, Eden is completing his Master Degree in Visual Arts at the UNAM, where he researching about trans-media documentary processes.